Name: Plastic Surgery Emergencies : Principles and Techniques
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781588906724
ISBN-10: 1588906728
Addition ISBN: 9781588906700, 1588906728, 9781588906724
Author(s): Jamal M. Bullocks; Patrick W. Hsu; Shayan A. Izaddoost, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers, Copyright: 2008
Plastic Surgery Emergencies presents a concise guide to the principles and procedures for rapidly evaluating and treating acute care problems in the emergency room setting or during on-call consultations. Using succinct descriptions and easily accessible bullet-points, the book instructs the reader in the protocols for a range of common and uncommon problems, from simple suture repair of lacerations to managing facial trauma to treating compartment syndrome of the upper extremity. Features:
This handy, pocket manual is an indispensable resource for clinicians, residents, and trainees in plastic surgery. It is also ideal for all emergency room personnel, including ER physicians, physicians’ assistants, and nurse practitioners, as well as family practice physicians.
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