Name: Life in the Middle: Psychological and Social Development in Middle Age
ISBN-13: 9780127572307
ISBN-10: 0127572309
Addition ISBN: 9780080525679, 9780127572307
Author(s): Willis, Sherry L.; Reid, James B., Publisher: Academic Press
There is a growing body of scientific knowledge regarding development during the middle years which has so far been relegated to discipline-specific texts and journals (e.g., clinical psychology and endocrinology).
Life in the Middle consolidates main findings across disciplines, with a life-span perspective regarding mid-life. Coverage includes individual development in middle age from the psychological and biological perspectives as well as the sociocultural context in which middle-aged individuals live and work, including physical health in mid-life, psychological well-being, cognitive development, the impact of work on the individual, and the general development of the “self.” This age period is increasingly becoming the focus of scholarly attention as the largest cohort in U.S. history are now moving into the middle years (e.g., the “babyboomers”). From 1990 to 2015 the number of middle-aged people will increase 72 percent from 47 to 80 million.
Key Features
* Contributors are outstanding scholars in the field of adult development
* Addresses critical theoretical issues in midlife
* Includes important contributions to our understanding of physical health at midlife
* Presents a thorough review of women’s health at midlife
* Takes a holistic approach to biopsychosocial functioning at midlife
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