Name: Audiology Answers for Otolaryngologists
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781604063585
ISBN-10: 1604063580
Addition ISBN: 9781604063578, 1604063580, 9781604063585
Author(s): Michael Valente, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers, Copyright: 2011
The core audiology information you need for the otolaryngology Boards
Audiology Answers for Otolaryngologists will help otolaryngology residents master the often troublesome audiology component of their Board exam.
In a concise, accessible FAQ format designed to quickly crystallize and reinforce must-know audiology concepts, the expert authors answer the audiology questions most commonly asked by otolaryngology residents.
- FAQ format provides rapid access to key information on psychoacoustics, audiometric testing, amplification, and vestibular evaluation
- Incisive questions culled from the authors’ experience in the clinic
- High-quality photographs throughout – depicting equipment and equipment calibration, plus numerous audiograms, charts, and tables – enhance the text
This is an essential Board review resource for otolaryngology residents. It also serves as a quick clinical reference for the busy otolaryngologist, audiologist, or speech language pathologist in daily practice.
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