Name: Auricular Reconstruction
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781626236844
ISBN-10: 1626236844
Addition ISBN: 9781626236981, 1638534853, 9781638534853
Author(s): Francoise Firmin; Joseph R Dusseldorp; Alexandre Marchac, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers, Copyright: 2017
FIVE STARS from Doody’s Star Ratings™
This book details the surgical techniques of Dr. Francoise Firmin, a recognized thought leader in auricular surgery. It contains her “trade secrets” that have been distilled over many years of practice and is abundantly illustrated with over 1000 colour photographs and drawings. The book includes operative and lecture video plus an eBook. This practical, authoritative book will be an essential purchase to all surgeons who operate on the ear.
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