Name: Canadian Family Practice Guidelines
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9780826194961
ISBN-10: 0826194966
Addition ISBN: 0826194974, 9780826194978
Author(s): Jill C. Cash, Cheryl A. Glass, Debbie Fraser, Lynn Corcoran, Margaret Edwards, Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Copyright: 2020
Written specifically for the needs of family and adult nursing students, medical students, and primary care practitioners in Canada, this gold standard reference of family practice in America—named a 2013 Doody’s core title and 1st-place winner of the American Journal of Nursing book award in 2017—now provides current Canadian practice protocols for professional standards of care across the life span. Guidelines are delivered in a user-friendly, step-by-step instructional style for physical exams and diagnostic testing results in SI units; health maintenance recommendations approved by Health Canada; care guidelines including Canadian drug names and dietary information; information on culturally responsive care; and patient resources specific to Canada.
Practice guidelines are organized primarily by body system and delivered in outline format for quick and easy access. Each of more than 280 disorder protocols includes definition, incidence/prevalence, pathogenesis, predisposing factors, common findings, other signs and symptoms, subjective data, physical examination, diagnostic tests, differential diagnoses, plan, follow-up, consultation/referral, and individual considerations. Also included are numerous Client Teaching Guides in PDF format for customization and downloading. Abundant references are specific to the Canadian health care system.
Key Features:
- Presents over 280 guidelines in consistent outline format
- Provides Canadian routine health maintenance guidelines, vaccinations, and screenings for HIV and HepC
- Covers individual care considerations for pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric patients
- Offers numerous Client Teaching Guides in digital format for clients to take home
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