Name: Critical Care and Hospitalist Medicine Made Ridiculously Simple
Edition: 3rd Edition
ISBN-13: 9781962445030
ISBN-10: 1962445038
Addition ISBN: 1962445046, 9781962445047
Author(s): Michael Donahoe M.D., Mark T.Gladwin M.D., Publisher: MedMaster, Inc.
***This new edition includes thoroughly revised and updated information regarding the latest medications, guidelines, and procedures when treating in the ICU and Emergency Department.***
Major highlights of the extensive edits since the previous edition:
Extensive revisions to the POCUS chapter which now includes QR code access to ultrasound videos related to the text
A new chapter on Acute Liver Failure
Numerous edits to the ventilator chapter
Hematologic emergencies
Pain control
Updates throughout ALL CHAPTERS related to new information and suggested reading references making the book the most current on the market
Over 100 completely redrawn illustrations, charts, and tables
A fundamental and thorough guide to the treatment of hospitalized patients in critical care situations. Critical Care and Hospitalist Medicine Made Ridiculously Simple provides both introductory information as well as a complete base of knowledge that will be useful from medical student, to resident, to fellow, to practicing intensivist, hospitalist, internist, and specialists all charged with caring for patients in the ICU and Emergency Department, as well as the wards.
The current and practical content is organized in a logical, conceptual manner, using plain English for rapid assimilation of information, and focusing on critical care facts and approaches required to keep the critically ill patient alive and thriving.
Topics include: The Art of Patient Presentation, Approach to Acute Care Chest Radiology with the Top Ten X-ray Bad Guys, goals and findings of Point of Care Ultrasound, Sepsis and Resuscitation, Management of Tachyarrythmias, Running a Code, Hemodynamic Monitoring, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Acute Decompensated Heart Failure, High Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure, Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease, Basic Airway Management, Acute Respiratory Failure, Mechanics of Respiratory Failure, Mechanical Ventilation, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Obstructive Lung Disease and Respiratory Failure, Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation, Bleeding Clotting and Hematological Emergencies, Transfusion Medicine, Acute Kidney Injury, GI Bleeding, Acid-Base Disorders, Drug Overdose, and Neurologic Emergencies.
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