Name: Functional Neurobiology of Aging
ISBN-13: 9780123518309
ISBN-10: 012351830X
Addition ISBN: , 9780080525587
Author(s): Patrick R. Hof, Publisher: Academic Press, Copyright: 2001
Some well-known age-related neurological diseases include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, deafness, and blindness. Even more common are the problems of aging which are not due to disease but to more subtle impairments in neurobiological systems, including impairments in vision, memory loss, muscle weakening, and loss of reproductive functions, changes in body weight, and sleeplessness. As the average age of our society increases, diseases of aging continue to become more common, and conditions associated with aging need more attention by doctors and researchers. In 1991, patients over the age of 65 saw their doctors an average of eight times per year. Research funding is provided by the Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Aging (NNA) Program, which is run by the National Institute on Aging. This book offers a comprehensive overview of all topics related to functional impairments which are related to the aging brain and nervous system. It is organized according to four general functions: movement, senses, memory, and neuroendocrine regulation. Written by the leading researchers in the field, this comprehensive work addresses both impairments associated with diseases and not associated with diseases, making it easier to understand the mechanisms involved. Functional Neurobiology of Aging is an important reference for professionals and students involved in aging research, as well as physicians who need to recognize and understand age-related impairments.
Key Features
* Organized by function, making it easy to find and understand the material
* Addresses impairments both associated with diseases and not associated with diseases
* Written by leading researchers in the field
* Most comprehensive source of information on the neurobiology of aging
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