Name: Inhibitors of Molecular Chaperones as Therapeutic Agents
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781849736664
ISBN-10: 1849736669
Addition ISBN: 1849739684, 9781849739689, 9781849736664, 1849736669
Author(s): Timothy Machajewski and Zhenhai Gao, Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, Copyright: 2013
This book aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the field of molecular chaperone inhibition and its application to pharmaceutical research. With several small molecule inhibitors in oncology clinical development, there is clearly intense interest in the chaperones as a molecular target. Filling a significant gap in the market by providing a detailed comparison of discovery programs across the industry, this text will find broad interest among researchers in the field of molecular chaperone pharmaceutical research, oncology research, and medicinal chemistry.
Arranged into three main sections the book covers structure and function, small molecule inhibitors and concludes with a section discussing clinical perspectives. With specific chapters covering the discovery of key molecules such as, BIIB028, STA-9090, Serenex Hsp90 inhibitor, NVP-AUY922 and NVP-HSP990, this comprehensive text is an essential treatise for researchers working in academia and industry.
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