Name: Leadership in Healthcare: Essential Values and Skills
Edition: 2nd Edition
ISBN-13: 9781567933550
ISBN-10: 1567933556
Addition ISBN: 9781567931143, 1567933556, 9781567933550
Author(s): Dye, Carson F., Publisher: Health Administration Press, Copyright: 2010
Respect. Commitment. Integrity. Trust. Cooperation. Stewardship.
Leadership in Healthcare explains the connection between values and leadership. It defines the role of both personal and team values in improving behavior, performance, and morale. It also offers practical strategies for strengthening leadership and interaction skills and for enhancing overall effectiveness. Case studies, exercises, and self-assessment tools are included in the book to help readers internalize and apply the concepts.
This new edition includes:
Additional strategies for enhancing listening skills, engaging employees, and evaluating team effectiveness
Coverage of competency-based leadership, rapid-cycle testing, and the whole-person approach to leadership evaluation
Expanded discussion of servant leadership, change makers, emotional intelligence, and groupthink
Vignettes that apply chapter concepts to actual healthcare work situations
Sidebars, updated references, suggested readings, and cases and exercises
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