Name: Manual Therapy for the Low Back and Pelvis: A Clinical Orthopedic Approach
ISBN-13: 9781582558806
ISBN-10: 1582558809
Addition ISBN: 1469838877, 9781469838878
Author(s): Joseph E. Muscolino, Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health, Copyright: 2014
Ideal for both massage therapy students and practicing therapists, Manual Therapy for the Low Back and Pelvis: A Clinical Orthopedic Approach empowers readers to develop the advanced clinical orthopedic skills they need to confidently and effectively manage pain and conditions in the lower back and pelvis.
Drawing on his experience as a chiropractor, manual therapist, and educator, author Joe Muscolino guides readers through effective clinical orthopedic manual therapy techniques for the functional muscle groups and joints of the lower back and pelvis. Accompanying online video clips demonstrate techniques in action.
Part One provides an overview of anatomy and physiology, common pathologic conditions, and assessment, while Part Two offers a variety of tested and proven treatment techniques. Each treatment chapter combines illustrations and photos with detailed explanations to help readers visualize and understand the specific technique and underlying anatomic structures. Two online bonus chapters cover self-care for the client and therapist.
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