Name: Mastication and Swallowing: Biological and clinical correlates
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781487572808
ISBN-10: 1487572808
Addition ISBN: 1487575742, 9781487575748
Author(s): Barry J. Sessle; Alan G. Hannam, Publisher: University of Toronto Press, Copyright: 1976
Mastication and Swallowing are functions common to most forms of animal life, yet there exists much uncertainty as to their biological basis, and a diversity of opinion on the treatment of disorders of the mastication and deglutitory appartus. During the last fifteen years ther ehas been a considerable increase in research into clinical aspects related to these two vital functions, and also into their underlying biological, and especially neurophysiological, mechanisms.
This volume presents the edited proceedings of a symposium held in 1974 in Vancouver, British Columbia, attended by scientists from several countries who are actively involved in such research.
In addition to a broad, up-to-date coverage of its subject, Mastication and Swallowing stresses conceptual aspects and suggests lines of future clinical and basic research.
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