Name: Medical Physiology for Undergraduate Students
Edition: 2nd Edition
ISBN-13: 9788131228050
ISBN-10: 8131228053
Addition ISBN: 8131236226, 9788131236222, 9788131228050, 8131228053
Author(s): Indu Khurana, Publisher: Elsevier India, Copyright: 2012
“Medical Physiology for Undergraduate Students” presents a complete and balanced exposition of the text highlighting essential and relevant aspects of human physiology in a lucid style with a student friendly language. The text has been organized into twelve sections and each section has been subdivided into various chapters. The text has been arranged in such a way that it provides step-by-step explanation complemented by numerous tables and abundant illustrations.
- Complete and up-to-date text with recent advances
- Illustrated by more than 1000 clear line diagrams
- Complemented with numerous tables and flowcharts for quick comprehension
- Text and figures in an attractive four colour format
- A balanced amalgamation of pure and applied text
- Highlights applied aspects of physiology in separate boxes
- Systematic organization of text to facilitate easy review
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