Name: Mohs Surgery, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics
ISBN-13: 9781455704378
ISBN-10: 1455704377
Addition ISBN: 9781336233454, 1455709123, 9781455709120
Author(s): Allison T Vidimos; Christine Poblete-Lopez; Chris Gasbarre, Publisher: Saunders, Copyright: 2011
Mohs Surgery is reviewed in this issue of Dermatologic Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Allison Vidimos, Christine Poblete-Lopez, and Christopher Gasbarre. Expert contributors offer reviews on topics including the history of Mohs surgery, Techniques, Mohs surgery for melanoma in situ, Flaps and grafts reconstruction, Transplant patients, Imaging, Histologic pitfalls, Special stains and Mohs, Special considerations: Eyes, lips, nailbed, and genitalia, Multidisciplinary approach to large tumors, Prosthetic rehabilitation, Setting up a Mohs surgery lab, and Coding for Mohs surgery.
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