Name: Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Concise Multimodality Approach
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9783131274410
ISBN-10: 3131274417
Addition ISBN: 9781588900609, 9783132578678, 3131605510, 9783131605511, 9783131274410, 3131274417
Author(s): Thomas Lee Pope, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers, Copyright: 2001
Due to the multitude of bone and joint disorders and their symptomatic similarities, establishing a differential diagnosis is often problematic in daily practice. This book offers invaluable help by showing the diagnostic effectiveness of multimodality imaging across the entire spectrum of bone and joint disorders.
Each clinical entity is presented as a unit, with succinct text on the left and high-quality, labeled images on the right. A consistent structure featuring pathology, clinical findings, radiology, nuclear medicine, MRI, and differential diagnosis offers quick access to the information you need for any given bone, joint, or soft tissue disease.
More than 1,300 high-quality radiologic images and two-color drawings that allow you to visualize each disorder. Key information presented in just 404 pages, saving you the time and inconvenience of wading through large texts. Useful tables summarizing radiologic findings for each disorder.
All-inclusive coverage, with in-depth treatment of such important areas as trauma.
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