Name: Nanobiotechnology in Diagnosis, Drug Delivery and Treatment
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781119671770
ISBN-10: 1119671779
Addition ISBN: 9781119671732, 1119671868, 9781119671862
Author(s): Mahendra Rai; Mehdi RazzaghiAbyaneh; Avinash P. Ingle, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons P&T, Copyright: 2021
Nanotechnology is most promising area of research nowadays due to wide range of application of nanomaterials and hence it is attracting a great of attention around the globe. Considering the importance and scope of subject a large number of students and researchers started studying and working in this field. All such students, researchers and personals working in academic institutions, research organizations, industries, etc. will need promising reference materials. We believe that the proposed book will be an ideal reference book for all such people because it will cover the most important topics in the field of nanomedicine.
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