Name: Neonatal and Infant Dermatology
Edition: 3rd Edition
ISBN-13: 9781455726387
ISBN-10: 1455726389
Addition ISBN: 9781455726394, 0323314163, 9780323314169, 9781455726387, 1455726389
Author(s): Lawrence F. Eichenfield; Ilona J. Frieden; Andrea L. Zaenglein; Erin Mathes; Ilona J. Frieden; Nancy, Publisher: Elsevier Enhanced Digital Version, Copyright: 2015
Neonatal and Infant Dermatology is a unique comprehensive and heavily illustrated reference on the dermatologic diseases of newborns and infants. It includes discussions of common and uncommon conditions seen in infants at birth and in the first few months of life. With over 600 superb photographs of normal and abnormal skin conditions including images of rare conditions, this easily accessible resource is essential for pediatricians, neonatologists, and dermatologists as well as other healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of dermatologic diseases in infants and newborns.
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