Name: Orell and Sterrett’s Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Edition: 5th Edition
ISBN-13: 9780702031519
ISBN-10: 0702031518
Addition ISBN: 9780702047558
Author(s): Svante R Orell; Svante R. Orell; Gregory F. Sterrett; George F. Sterrett; Max N. I. Walters; Darrel, Publisher: Elsevier Enhanced Digital Version, Copyright: 2012
Orell & Sterrett’s Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 5e provides you with a logical and systematic approach to the acquisition, interpretation and diagnosis of FNA biopsy samples. It is an ideal resource for all those requiring an authoritative and systematic review of the cytological findings in those malignant and benign lesions likely to be the target of FNA. The book is lavishly illustrated with high quality colour images throughout.
The two different methods of staining and fixation are combined for each entity, (air dried MGG stains are paired with wet fixed Pap smears).Provides a totally comprehensive and universally recognizable guide to the cytopathologic appearances of fna biopsy samples.
Cytopathologic and histologic appearances of individual entities correlated throughout. Provides a complete visual diagnostic guide for interpretation of biopsy specimens by showing both their cellular and morphologic appearance.
Over 1,300 full colour images. Provides a comprehensive atlas of entities that the user can compare to the aspiration and tissue samples seen under the microscope.
Diagnostic criteria listed for each entity.Provides the user with a ready check list to facilitate the investigative process.
Problems and diagnostic pitfalls identified for each entity.Provides the user with the necessary tools to make a confident and accurate list of differential diagnoses.
Correlation whenever clinically relevant with core needle biopsy techniques FNA cytology and core biopsy are complementary procedures in the diagnosis of breast lesions. Provides a balanced approach.
Cytological findings integrated with latest immunohistochemical stains.Provides a complete diagnostic workup since IHC is now an integral component of any diagnostic workup.
Brand new chapter on the role of FNA and where it fits in with core biopsy.Use of either technique is considered against the best available evidence that exists and the consensus opinion of experts in order to guide best practice.
New editorial and author team. Will introduce fresh perspective from internationally recognized experts.
Addition of tables and charts to compare different techniques and diagnostic tests.Will facilitate accurate interpretation and diagnosis.
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