Name: Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery: Preoperative Assessment and Surgical Treatment
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781604062557
ISBN-10: 160406255X
Addition ISBN: 9781604062540, 160406255X, 9781604062557
Author(s): Oguz Cataltepe, Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers, Copyright: 2010
Written by internationally recognized authorities in pediatric epilepsy surgery, this cutting-edge book provides essential information about the preoperative assessment of and surgical approaches to the treatment of epilepsy in children. The book opens with an overview of pediatric epilepsy followed by four main sections detailing preoperative assessment, surgical approaches and techniques, outcomes, and recent promising advances. The authors present numerous approaches for managing temporal lobe epilepsy and extratemporal lobe epilepsy and guide clinicians through various surgical techniques for hemispherectomy, disconnection procedures, neuromodulation, and more.Highlights:
Ideal for pediatric neurosurgeons, epilepsy surgeons and pediatric epileptologists, this authoritative text is also a valuable reference for clinicians, residents, and fellows in neurology, neuroradiology, neuropsychology, and neurophysiology with an interest in pediatric epilepsy surgery.
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