Name: Emergency Care:
Edition: 14th Edition
ISBN-13: 9780135379134
ISBN-10: 013537913X
Addition ISBN: 9780135479148, 9780136873242, 9780136681168, 9780135379264, 9780135379189, 9780135379097, 0135479169, 9780135479162
Author(s): Daniel Limmer, Publisher: Pearson, Copyright: 2021
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Emergency Care has been a standard in EMS education for over 35 years. The text has provided generations of EMT students with the practical information they need to succeed in the classroom and in the field. Using the National EMS Education Standards as a foundation, it reflects the most current EMS practices. Critical-thinking and decision-based features will help you integrate need-to-know material into real-life scenarios.
The 14th Edition has been significantly reorganized to incorporate the assessment, treatment and care of children and older adults. Patient care features have been fine-tuned, and a new Infectious Diseases and Sepsis chapter explores the infectious diseases EMTs encounter.
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