Name: Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9781284026122
ISBN-10: 1284026124
Addition ISBN: 9781284086256, 9781284026153, 1284092658, 9781284092653
Author(s): Michael K. Harrington, Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning, Copyright: 2016
Health Care Finance and the Mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement stands apart from other texts on health care finance or health insurance, in that it specifically addresses the methods and process for reimbursement, including coding, reimbursement strategies, compliance, financial reporting, case mix index, and external auditing.
With up-to-date coverage of the Affordable Care Act, this one-of-a-kind text will prepare health administration and health information management students with the necessary tools to successfully transition from the classroom to the health care facility.
Some of the topics covered include:
• Claims Processing
• The Affordable Care Act
• Medicare Prospective Payment System (Inpatient)
• Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (Non-Inpatient)
• Coding for the Non-HIM Professional
• Revenue Cycle Management
• Healthcare Fraud and Abuse
• Electronic Health Records and Meaningful Use
• Government Incentive Programs
• Recovery Audit Contractors
Student & Instructor Resources:
This text comes packaged with Navigate 2 Advantage Access, a comprehensive package of mobile-ready course materials including:
Learn: A complete eBook with interactive tools
Practice: A virtual Study Center with robust practice activities and flashcards
Assess: A homework and testing Assessment center with prepopulated quizzes and examinations
Analyze: Dashboards with learner and educator views that reports actionable data
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