Name: Wiley Pathways Introduction to U.S. Health Care: The Structure of Management and Financing of the U.S. Health Care System
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN-13: 9780471790754
ISBN-10: 0471790753
Addition ISBN: 9780470382400, 9780470472446, 9780470257449, 1118311493, 9781118311493
Author(s): Dennis D. Pointer; Steve Williams; Stephen L. Isaacs; James R. Knickman; Tracy L. Barr, Publisher: Wiley, Copyright: 2011
As the business side of the health care industry explodes to well over half a million jobs this year, students need to understand the U.S. health system, management concepts, and the topics that are driving its future. In a clutter-free format, with every day language, this text helps students comprehend how the health care system is organized, the basic business concepts that are specific to health care administration and management, and how the concepts apply to real world situations. With the help of numerous case studies, examples, clear explanations, and problems to solve, students will learn how the U.S. health services system is structured, managed, and financed.
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